National Museum of African American History and Culture


An Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC), National Association of Landscape Professionals (NALP) and Landscape Contractors Association (LCA) award-winning project. Occupying the last available space on the National Mall, the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC) was completed in the spring of 2016. The landscape plays an integral part in the overall design and links the five-acre site into the larger composition of the national mall, serving as a critical component of the museum experience.

Project Scope

30,000 SF of drain fabrics, 10,000 SF of pavers; 2200 linear feet of split-faced granite curb; 74,967 concrete sidewalks and subslabs; 1400 linear feet of security barrier walls (installed early); 10,000 tons of gravel; 10,000 cubic yard of soil mixes; 4,000 shrubs; 550 perennials/grasses/groundcover; 400,000 blue crocus bulbs; 12,000 SF of mulch; 20,000 linear feet of drip irrigation.