IT Update: Back in the Office, Out in the Field

By Jamison Moore, Director of IT

This past year, where many of our team members adapted to the changing work environment by incorporating working remotely, has given our teams a taste of the future. Even now that we are returning to some sense of normalcy, more and more of our Ruppert team members are spending most of their time in the field, checking on jobs, meeting customers, and working from wherever they can get the most done. For many, this doesn’t mean the office. Thanks to advances like better batteries and 5G, we have managers who work entirely from their phones and tablets, leaving their laptops behind in the office to gather dust.

Leave the Laptop at Home

We’re working closely with operations, especially in our landscape management division, to accelerate this transition to allow team members to choose their devices and go with what works best for them. This is a multifaceted project, requiring changes to how we select hardware, wireless connectivity, security, and most of all building and rebuilding our tools to be more mobile friendly. The ultimate goal is for our team members to be able to do their work—whether that’s sketching out a design, writing up a proposal, making a presentation or responding to emails—wherever they need to be. Everything now lives in the cloud, and our mix of proprietary and off the shelf tools provide an always improving team member, and customer, experience.

A Reminder About Tickets

As the season picks up, this is a reminder to let IT know about any problems, concerns, or ideas you have. File a ticket with so we can respond in a timely manner. Please don’t hesitate to let us know about any issues, especially if it’s slowing down your work. We’re here to help, deploy new tools, and share knowledge.